지은이 : E2K
A creative group that provides quality contents and educational services in English for ESL and EFL students
[기적의 직독직해 80 words A]
Unit 1. Frogs vs. Toads (개구리 대 두꺼비│Nonfiction)
Unit 2. My Old Desk (나의 오래된 책상│Short Story)
Unit 3. Earthworm (지렁이│Nonfiction)
Unit 4. Gulliver’s Travels (걸리버의 여행│Classic Story)
Unit 5. Snowflakes (눈송이│Nonfiction)
Word Puzzle
Unit 6. My Little Brother (내 남동생│Short Story)
Unit 7. Bees and Honey (벌과 벌꿀│Nonfiction)
Unit 8. A Bear and Two Friends (곰과 두 친구│Classic Story)
Unit 9. Mozart (모차르트│Nonfiction)
Unit 10. Don’t Give Up (포기하지 마│Short Story)
Word Puzzle
Unit 11. How Birds Drink Water (새가 물을 마시는 방법│Nonfiction)
Unit 12. The Wizard of Oz (오즈의 마법사│Classic Story)
Unit 13. Heart and Brain (심장과 두뇌│Nonfiction)
Unit 14. A New Skateboard (새 스케이트보드│Short Story)
Unit 15. Facts About Stars (별에 관한 사실들│Nonfiction)
Word Puzzle
Unit 16. The Dog and the Shadow (개와 그림자│Classic Story)
Unit 17. The First Mobile Phone (최초의 휴대폰│Nonfiction)
Unit 18. Being Honest (정직하다는 것│Short Story)
Unit 19. Thomas Edison (토마스 에디슨│Nonfiction)
Unit 20. Jack and the Beanstalk (잭과 콩나무│Classic Story)
Word Puzzle
Key Words 160
[기적의 직독직해 80 words B]
Unit 1. Storms (폭풍│Nonfiction)
Unit 2. Doing House Chores (집안일 하기│Short Story)
Unit 3. Butterflies and Moths (나비와 나방│Nonfiction)
Unit 4. Hansel and Gretel (헨젤과 그레텔│Classic Story)
Unit 5. Desert Life (사막에서의 삶│Nonfiction)
Word Puzzle
Unit 6. The New Classmate (새로운 반 친구│Short Story)
Unit 7. Skin (피부│Nonfiction)
Unit 8. The Jungle Book (정글북│Classic Story)
Unit 9. Animal Eyes (동물의 눈│Nonfiction)
Unit 10. What Would Dad Say? (아빠는 뭐라고 말씀하실까?│Short Story)
Word Puzzle
Unit 11. From Farm to Table (농장에서 식탁까지│Nonfiction)
Unit 12. The Fox and the Grapes (여우와 포도│Classic Story)
Unit 13. Anne Sullivan (앤 설리번│Nonfiction)
Unit 14. A Four-Wheel Bike (네발자전거│Short Story)
Unit 15. The Senses of Smell & Hearing (후각과 청각│Nonfiction)
Word Puzzle
Unit 16. The Shoemaker and the Elves (구두장이와 요정들│Classic Story)
Unit 17. What Is in the Air? (공기 중에는 무엇이 있을까?│Nonfiction)
Unit 18. The Elephant and the Bird (코끼리와 새│Short Story)
Unit 19. Louis Pasteur (루이 파스퇴르│Nonfiction)
Unit 20. The Goose with the Golden Eggs (황금알을 낳는 거위│Classic Story)
Word Puzzle
Key Words 160
도서 DB 제공 - 알라딘 인터넷서점 (www.aladin.co.kr)