출판사 리뷰
전공 영어교육론 출제범위
Ⅰ. 제 2언어습득 및 학습이론
1. 제2언어 습득 및 학습 이론
2. 제2언어 습득 및 학습에 영향을 미치는 인지적, 정의적, 사회·문화적 요인
3. 학습자 언어(중간언어) 발달 및 특징, 제2언어 학습전략
Ⅱ. 영어교재론 및 교육과정
1. 교재 개발 원리 및 사용 방법
2. 교재 분석 및 평가, 교과서 재구성 및 학습자료 활용
3. 영어과 교육과정, 교수요목의 특징, 형태 교육과정의 내용체계에 따른 수업계획 설계
Ⅲ. 영어평가
1. 영어평가의 기본개념과 원리, 평가 유형
2. 평가 목적에 부합하는 영어 평가 과업 설계
Ⅳ. 영어교수법
1. 영어교수법 발달과정, 다양한 영어 교수·학습 접근방법
2. 최근 영어교수법 동향 (의사소통, 학습자, 과업, 프로젝트, 내용, focus-on-form 등)
3. 학습목표에 적합한 교수법을 활용한 수업 설계 및 활용
Ⅴ. 4기능ㆍ어휘/ 문법지도및 ICT 활용지도
1. 읽기/ 쓰기 지도 원리 및 방법, 읽기/ 쓰기 과업 설계
2. 듣기/ 말하기 지도원리 및 방법, 듣기/ 말하기 과업 설계
3. 기능 통합적 지도방법, 기능 통합적 과업 설계
4. 어휘/ 문법 지도 원리 및 방법, 어휘/ 문법 과업 설계
5. 멀티미디어/ ICT활용 지도 방법, 멀티미디어/ ICT활용 과업 설계
작가 소개
지은이 : 권영주
· 숙명여대 영어영문과졸· 숙명여대 영어교육학과석사졸 Victoria University of Wellington, MA TESOL 전 고동학교교사 (1급 영어갱교사) 전 티처메카 영어교육론 전임교수 현 아모르임용고시학원 영어교육론 전임교수저서 권영주 영어교수볍 (형설출판사, 2009) 전공영어 기출변환문제집 (교육의 창, 2009). 2차 대비 전공논술 자습서 (교육의 창, 2010) 권영주 영어교육론 (교육의 창, 2010) 권영주 임용 영어교육론 (북이그잼, 2012) 권영주 임용 영어교육론(2차논술대비) (북이그잼, 2012)권영주 임용 영어교육론 추록집 (북이그잼, 2013) 2014 임용 영어교육론 서답형 문제해설집 (북이그잼, 2013) 2014 영어교육론 (북이그잼, 2014) 2015 영어교육론 (북이그잼, 2014) 2015 임용 영어교육론 서답형기출해설서 (북이그잼, 2014)
001 accuracy 11
002 achievement standards 11
003 action research 12
004 activity types 12
005 adjunct program 13
006 affective filter 13
007 affective strategies for writing 14
008 analytical rating scales 14
009 anecdotal format 15
010 anxiety 16
011 appropriateness 16
012 argumentative discourse structures 17
013 aptitude test 17
014 associative network 18
015 asynchronous communication 18
016 audiolingual method 19
017 authentic stories 19
018 authenticity 20
019 automatic processing 20
020 autonomy 21
021 backchannel cues 23
022 backsliding 23
023 basal reader 23
024 blended learning 24
025 bottom-up processing 25
026 brainstorming 26
027 cataphoric words 27
028 C-test 27
029 circumlocution strategy 28
030 cloze 29
031 cognitive processing load 30
032 cognitive skills 31
033 coherence 31
034 cohesive devices 32
035 collocate 32
036 collocations 33
037 communicative competence 33
038 community language learning 34
039 competency-based syllabus 35
040 complexity 35
041 computer adaptive testing 35
042 computer-mediated communication 36
043 concordance 36
044 conferencing 37
045 (cultural) connotations 37
046 consciousness-raising approach 39
047 construct validity 39
048 content validity 40
049 constructivist approach 40
050 contextualized language 41
051 contrastive analysis 42
052 conventions 42
053 collaborative learning 43
054 cooperative approach 44
055 corpus data 44
056 criterion-referenced test 44
057 criterion-related validity 45
058 corrective feedback (explicit) 46
059 corrective feedback (implicit) 46
060 correction symbols 47
061 cue 47
062 cultural awareness 48
063 culture-integrated language learning 48
064 decision-making 51
065 decoding 51
066 deductive approach 52
067 depth 53
068 developmentally ready 54
069 diagnostic test 54
070 dialog journals 54
071 digital tools 55
072 direct method 55
073 discipline-specific language 55
074 discovery activity 56
075 display question 57
076 elicitation 59
077 euphemism 59
078 evidence 60
079 exchange information 61
080 experiential learning 61
081 explicit learning 61
082 extensive reading 62
083 face validity 63
084 facework strategies in intercultural conflict 63
085 facilitator 64
086 feedback 64
087 flipped learning 64
088 fluency 64
089 focus on form feedback 65
090 foreigner talk 65
091 form-focused instruction 66
092 form-function relation 66
093 formative evaluation 67
094 formality 67
095 formality-awareness 68
096 free activities 69
097 free-ride 69
098 function 69
099 genre 71
100 genre-based writing 71
101 grammatical class 72
102 guided writing 72
103 hedges 73
104 holistic scoring 73
105 homonyms 74
106 hypertext 74
107 illocutionary acts 77
108 immersion program 78
109 implicit learning 78
110 inadvertent clues 79
111 incidental learning 80
112 incremental learning 80
113 inductive way 80
114 inference 81
115 information-gap activity 82
116 information processing 82
117 input 82
118 input hypothesis 83
119 intake 84
120 integrated approach 85
121 integrative test 85
122 intensive listening 85
123 interactional and transactional functions 86
124 interactions 87
125 (inter)cultural competence 87
126 intercultural education 88
127 intercultureal language learning 89
128 interference 90
129 interlanguage 90
130 interlingual errors 91
131 interlingual transfer 91
132 internal consistency 92
133 inter-rater reliability 93
134 intra-rater reliability 93
135 intonation 94
136 intralingual transfer 95
137 inquiry-based learning 96
138 item discrimination and distractors 96
139 item facility 98
140 jigsaw tasks 99
141 keyword technique 103
142 kinesthetic learners 103
143 language experience 105
144 learning log 105
145 learnability 106
146 lexical syllabus 107
147 lexicographer 107
148 materials adaptation 109
149 meaning-focused input 111
150 meaning negotiation 111
151 mechanics 111
152 medium 112
153 metacognitive awareness 112
154 metacognitive awareness of reading strategy 112
155 metalinguistic terms 113
156 minimal pairs 113
157 modification (syntactic and lexical) 114
158 modifying 115
159 morpheme 115
160 multi-word lexical unit 116
161 needs analysis 117
162 negative transfer 118
163 negotiation routine 118
164 negotiation strategies 119
165 norm-referenced 119
166 observation 121
167 organization 121
168 orientation-complication-resolution 121
169 outcome-based teaching 122
170 output hypothesis 123
171 overgeneralization 123
172 paradigmatic relations 125
173 pedagogic tasks 126
174 perceptual experience 127
175 performance 127
176 personalized writing 128
177 phonemic differences 128
178 phonics approach 129
179 planning time 129
180 polysemous use 130
181 portfolios 130
182 practicality 131
183 pragmatic abilities 132
184 predict 132
185 presentation-assessment 134
186 process-based learning 135
187 proficiency test 135
188 problem-solving activity 136
189 proceduralize 136
190 processing instruction 136
191 process-oriented approach 137
192 product-oriented approach 137
193 product-oriented syllabus 138
194 project-based learning 138
195 prominence 139
196 rational-deletion cloze 141
197 reading strategies 141
198 realia 142
199 reasoning gap 142
200 recast 143
201 receptive skills 144
202 referential questions 144
203 reflective teaching 144
204 rhetorical differences 145
205 risk-taking 145
206 salience 147
207 scaffold 147
208 scanning strategy 149
209 schema (content) 149
210 scoring rubric 150
211 segmental features 151
212 selected-response items 151
213 self-examination 152
214 semantic network 152
215 sight word 152
216 silent Way 153
217 sociolinguistic competence 153
218 solidarity 154
219 speech act 154
220 strategies 155
221 strategies (communication) 156
222 strategies (avoidance) 157
223 strategies (learning) 158
224 standardized test 158
225 structured input 159
226 styles 160
227 summative feedback 161
228 suprasegmental 162
229 synchronous communication 162
230 syllabus 163
231 syllabus (functional) 164
232 syllabus (grammatical/ situational) 164
233 syllabus (product-oriented) 165
234 syllabus (structural) 165
235 target task 167
236 task-based language teaching 167
237 task interactant relationship 168
238 task goal 168
239 task outcome options 168
240 techniques 169
241 tolerance of ambiguity (high) 169
242 tolerance of ambiguity (low) 169
243 top-down processing 170
244 total physical response 171
245 transactional functions 172
246 trigger theory 172
247 uptake 173
248 usage 174
249 wait time 175
250 washback 175
251 webquest 176
252 whole language 177
253 whole-word method 178
254 willingness to communicate 178
255 word family 178
256 word formation 179
257 world Englishes 179
258 zone of proximal development 181