지은이 : 김성희
유치원 현장에서 아이들에게 영어를 가르치는 현직 영어강사이며, 원어민 영어강사 교육을 진행하는 ELT 컨설턴트이자 유아 영어교육 전문가이다. 네이버 오디오클립 <세라샘과 함께하는 엄마표 영어>와 도치맘 인스타그램 라이브방송을 통해 엄마표 영어의 경험담을 함께 나누고 엄마들의 궁금증을 속시원히 풀이해 주고 있다. 언어세상 교육팀장, ESL 강사, 유아 영어교사 등 다양한 실전 경험을 바탕으로 엄마표 영어의 노하우를 알려 주고 있다.세라샘 블로그 blog.naver.com/sarahsahra세라샘 인스타그램 @sarahsahra15
지은이 : 고선영
네이버 도치맘카페 매니저.14년간 네이버 도치맘카페에서 엄마표 영어를 담당하고 있다. 세 아이의 엄마로서 자녀들에게 엄마표 영어교육을 실천하고 그 효과를 직접 체험하며 엄마표 영어의 힘을 확신하게 되었다. 도치맘카페에서 영어동화, 파닉스, 사이트워드 등 영어 프로젝트를 진행하면서 효과적인 엄마표 영어 교육법을 연구하고 실행하고 있다. 수년간 엄마들과 아이들이 직접 체험하여 얻은 영어 프로젝트 결과를 바탕으로 《Sight Words 100》 등의 교재를 공동 개발하였다. 영알못 엄마도 성공할 수 있는 아웃풋 100% 엄마표 영어교육 실천법을 공유하고자 이 책을 썼다. 도치맘 인스타그램에서 라이브방송을 진행하며 육아 현장에서 고군분투하고 있는 엄마들과 소통하고 있다.네이버 도치맘카페 cafe.naver.com/dochithink도치맘 인스타그램 @dochithink도치맘 포스트 post.naver.com/gossi777?isHome=1도치맘TV 유튜브 유튜브에서 “도치맘”을 검색하세요.
- 엄마표 영어가 궁금한 대한민국의 모든 엄마들에게
- '도치맘 카페' 30만 회원이 함께하는 엄마표 영어 프로젝트
- 《엄마표 영어 100일의 기적》 실천 방법
001 Please wash your hands. / 002 Do you want some cookies? / 003 Time to do your homework. / 004 How many books do you want to read? / 005 Can you help me, please? / Review
006 Why don’t you take a nap? / 007 Do you want to go to the bathroom? / 008 You should take a shower. / 009 Have a nice day! / 010 Sweet dreams! / Review
011 Couldn’t be better! / 012 Go get your jacket. / 013 What kind of juice do you want? / 014 Slow down! / 015 Say “Thank You.” / Review
016 I’m making a special treat. / 017 I think we’re done shopping. / 018 Fasten your seatbelt, please. / 019 Is that what you want? / 020 Could you hold the door for me? / Review
021 Don’t pick your nose! / 022 Stop running, please. / 023 Sit up, please. / / 024 Close your mouth while eating. / 025 Cover your mouth, please. / Review
026 Brush your teeth, now! / 027 Don’t play with your food! / 028 Can you make your bed? / 029 Did you wash your face? / 030 Get your backpack ready! / Review
031 Do you know how to play Word Chains? / 032 Let’s play with clay. / 033 Let me get the ball. / 034 Let’s play one more time! / 035 I can’t wait. / Review
036 Blue and yellow make green. / 037 I’m the best balloon blower. / 038 Ready or not, here I come! / 039 Who’s going to be a doctor? / 040 What’s the time, Mr. Wolf? / Review
041 Can you put your toys away? / 042 Keep the shoes organized. / 043 Put your clothes into the basket. / 044 Where is the vacuum cleaner? / 045 Can you feed the dog? / Review
046 Don’t forget your umbrella! / 047 Do I need a mask? / 048 Please put some sunscreen on your face. / 049 Where are your mittens? / 050 How’s the weather today? / Review
051 Can you read the title aloud? / 052 What do you think this book will be about? / 053 Who is the main character? / 054 What does ducky mean? / 055 Would you like to read about bugs as well? / Review
056 Let’s take turns reading this book. / 057 What is your favorite part of the story? / 058 Let’s make a bookmark. / 059 Does that story remind you of anything? / 060 Why don’t you write an email to the writer? / Review
061 Can you find a word that rhymes with cry? / 062 Can you find the word that starts with the letter a? / 063 What is the name of this letter? / 064 Which two words have the same beginning sound? / 065 Let’s chant along. / Review
066 Can you trace the word with your finger? / 067 Start a sentence with a capital letter. / 068 Leave a finger space. / 069 Don’t forget a period at the end. / 070 Your handwriting is pretty neat! / Review
071 Why don’t you turn captions on? / 072 Turn down the volume, please. / 073 Which episode would you like to watch? / 074 What would you do if you were Peppa? / 075 Have you watched this DVD? / Review
076 Let’s count by 2s. / 077 How many sides does it have? / 078 Is it less than 15? / 079 You’re the sixth person in line. / 080 4 is called an even number. / Review
081 Is a killer whale a fish or a mammal? / 082 Don’t eat the moldy bread. / 083 Is that a riddle? / 084 What lives in a forest? / 085 The earth is not a star. / Review
086 Let’s make some ice cream. / 087 How many scoops do you want? / 088 Let’s do a science experiment. / 089 Make as many as you can. / 090 You roll the die. / Review
091 I’d like to take a selfie. / 092 I’m ready to order. / 093 Do you want a bite? / 094 I’ll cut it in half. / 095 You have a sweet tooth! / Review
096 I’m on my way. / 097 Who is your Valentine? / 098 Happy Mother’s Day! / 099 Trick or treat! / 100 How nice of you! / Review
- 엄마표 영어에 대한 FAQ
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