지은이 : 김수린
경기도 교육청 소속 중등교사. 영어 문법이 실제 영어 사용에 도움이 될 수 있게 가르치는 방법을 고민하는 중학교 영어 선생님입니다. 중학교 영어 교과서는 영어의 가장 기본적이고 중요한 표현이 모두 들어있는 교재라고 여기며 이를 잘 활용하면 영어의 기초를 단단하게 만들 수 있다고 생각합니다. 저서『영국에서 아이들과 네 달 살기』(2019, 이담북스)『교과서 공부 혁명』(2023, 더디퍼런스)『중등 문해력의 비밀』(2024, 믹스커피)『슬기로운 중학교 입학 준비』(2024, 한솔수북)
Lesson 1 – 기본 영어, 꼭 필요한 표현
01 I am a student.
02 It is Friday.
03 That is a good idea.
04 They are too heavy.
05 It’s important to protect our environment.
▶More Tips! be동사가 뭐예요?
06 There are four members in my family.
07 I am not happy with it.
08 This is not mine.
09 Are you ready to go?
10 Is it your birthday today?
▶More Tips! 숫자, 제대로 읽어요.
11 Isn’t she lovely?
12 He is a morning person, isn’t he?
13 Who is that?
14 Which team is your favorite?
15 How much is it?
▶More Tips! 날짜, 요일 읽는 법
16 I was nervous.
17 Was it fun?
18 Where were we?
19 How was your vacation?
20 Be kind to others.
▶More Tips! 관사(a/an/the) 쓰기
Lesson 2 – 일상 영어, 기본이 탄탄해지는 표현
21 I love this place.
22 You have a cat.
23 This blender works well.
24 I want to be a singer.
25 I enjoy swimming in the pool.
▶More Tips! 일반동사가 뭐예요?
26 He makes me laugh.
27 My mom tells me to clean my room.
28 I don’t know.
29 Dad doesn’t work on Saturdays.
30 You don’t like cats, do you?
▶More Tips! 동사의 변화(1) 불규칙동사표
31 Do you want to build a snowman?
32 Do you have any questions?
33 Does she like to take pictures?
34 What do you think of this book?
35 How long does it take to get there?
▶More Tips! 영어의 격
36 I saw him riding a bike at the park.
37 He bought me a laptop.
38 I didn’t go to the beach last weekend.
39 Did you find your lost key?
40 Calm down.
▶More Tips! 문장의 형식(Sentence Structure)
Lesson 3 – 진짜 영어, 제대로 써야 하는 표현
41 We are going to have a party next week.
42 You will be fine.
43 I’ll do it tomorrow.
44 I’m changing my clothes.
45 I’m talking about your behavior.
▶More Tips! 동사의 변화(2) 동명사 vs 분사
46 Are you planning to visit your grandparents
this weekend?
47 Are you moving next month?
48 What are you doing?
49 I was studying at the library.
50 I have read this book.
▶More Tips! to부정사
51 I have decided to stay here.
52 I have been to Canada.
53 I have lost my bike.
54 I have never known him to dance.
55 I haven’t finished my homework yet.
▶More Tips! 현재완료 제대로 쓰기
56 It has been raining all day.
57 He had already left when we arrived.
58 She will be staying in Japan in February.
59 Have you tried the dish?
60 How long have you been here?
▶More Tips! 동사의 12가지 변화
Lesson 4 – 실제 영어, 풍부하게 말할 수 있는 표현
61 Today is as hot as yesterday.
62 This is easier than it looks.
63 Cindy is the fastest in my class.
64 The movie was boring.
65 What an unexpected gift!
▶More Tips! 형용사와 부사 변화
66 I am disappointed with the result.
67 Will you do me a favor?
68 Would you like to have dinner with us?
69 I can’t wait for his birthday party!
70 Can you hear me?
▶More Tips! 접속사
71 May I see the letter?
72 You must finish this work by tomorrow.
73 You must be tired.
74 I have to buy a birthday gift for her.
75 I need to exercise regularly for better health.
▶More Tips! 조동사 활용
76 You should see a doctor.
77 I should have apologized first.
78 There used to be a lake around here.
79 Students are supposed to wear school uniforms.
80 I prefer English to math.
▶More Tips! 부정대명사
Lesson 5 – 실전 영어, 영어답게, 더 유창하게 활용할 수 있는 표현
81 The painting was drawn by Vincent van Gogh.
82 The building was built in 1900.
83 She was given a prize.
84 They will be invited to this conference.
85 We are looking for someone who can speak Chinese.
▶More Tips! 수동태
86 The garden which is behind the house is filled with colorful flowers.
87 She is the teacher whom I told you about.
88 Is there anything that you want to tell me?
89 I met the boy whose father is an actor.
90 What I want for dinner tonight is pizza.
▶More Tips! 관계대명사
91 Let me know how to use it.
92 I don’t know how far it is.
93 Why don’t you join the art club?
94 What kind of books do you enjoy reading?
95 How often do you spend time with your family?
▶More Tips! 영어식 사고
96 How come you are late again?
97 I wonder if we need to bring anything.
98 Is it okay if I borrow your pen for a moment?
99 If it rains tomorrow, I won’t go out.
100 If I were you, I wouldn’t go there.
도서 DB 제공 - 알라딘 인터넷서점 (www.aladin.co.kr)