홈 > 부모님 > 부모님 > 소설,일반 > 외국어

다락원 | 부모님 | 2025.02.10
  • 정가
  • 26,000원
  • 판매가
  • 23,400원 (10% 할인)
  • S포인트
  • 1,300P (5% 적립)
  • 상세정보
  • 19x26 | 0.486Kg | 256p
  • ISBN
  • 9788927774525
  • 배송비
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  • 주문수량
  • ★★★★★
  • 0/5
리뷰 0
  • 도서 소개
  • 출판사 리뷰
  • 작가 소개
  • 목차
  • 회원 리뷰

  도서 소개

This book is made to help you build a strong base in basic Korean grammar, making it easier to deepen your understanding of the language and improve your skills over time.

  출판사 리뷰

Congratulations on embarking on this journey of learning Korean!
This book is made to help you build a strong base in basic Korean grammar, making it easier to deepen your understanding of the language and improve your skills over time. Everything covered in this book is fundamental yet practical, which means it’s useful not just for understanding the basics, but also for real-life conversations and writing.
Rather than trying to cram everything into your memory word for word, I encourage you to go through the content at your own pace. I hope this book becomes a resource you can revisit again and again as you grow in your Korean language journey.
If you’d like to continue your Korean studies and improve your language skills, feel free to visit Miss Vicky’s YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/@KoreanwithMissVicky

“Mastering this book is enough to build a solid foundation in Korean! It’s perfect!”

Learning with provides the following benefits :
1. Each chapter starts with a clear explanation of a grammar concept, accompanied by
example sentences to help you understand how it works in context.
2. You can test your understanding with the Practice and Quiz sections, which are designed to help you apply what you’ve learned. Occasionally, you’ll come across 꿀팁 (honey tips)—a fun Korean slang term for helpful advice— that will make your learning
experience even smoother.
3. You can listen to audio recordings of the example sentences from the Practice and Quiz sections.
4. At the end of each chapter, there’s an Exercise section where you can review and
reinforce what you’ve learned. Additionally, you’ll find a special section introducing
aspects of Korean culture, vocabulary, or commonly used phrases, adding depth
to your understanding of the language.

  작가 소개

지은이 : Miss Vicky
Miss Vicky is a passionate Korean language teacher best known for her YouTube channel, Korean with Miss Vicky, where she is admired and loved by Korean learners from around the world. From a young age, she had a deep love for English and enjoyed how improving her language skills helped break down cultural and social barriers. Now, she hopes English speakers can experience the same sense of connection and discovery through learning Korean, her native language. This passion and care are reflected in her thoughtful and detail-oriented lessons. She currently lives in Chungcheongbuk-do, South Korea, where she shares a cozy home with her beloved cat.https://youtube.com/@KoreanwithMissVickyhttps://explorekorean.nethttps://instagram.com/explorekorean


The Author’s Message
Recommendation from a Student/Proofreader
How to use this book

CHAPTER 1 Beginner’s Guide to Korean Grammar
CHAPTER 2 은/는 & 이/가 : Topic Markers & Subject Markers
CHAPTER 3 을/를 : Object Markers
CHAPTER 5 Essential Opposite Verb Pairs in Korean
CHAPTER 6 에 & 에서 : Place & Time Markers
CHAPTER 7 부터, 에서 & 까지 : Particles for Marking Range
CHAPTER 8 에게/한테 : to and from someone
CHAPTER 9 와/과, (이)랑, 하고 & (으)로 : More Essential Particles (1)
CHAPTER 10 도 & 만 : More Essential Particles (2)
CHAPTER 11 Adjectives
CHAPTER 12 안, –지 않다 : Negating Verbs and Adjectives
CHAPTER 13 The –ㅂ/습니다 Ending
APPENDIX Personal Pronouns in Korean

Closing Message

