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Jesus' Three Communion Declarations  이미지

Jesus' Three Communion Declarations
From the Sacred Anointing Oil to the Precious Blood of Jesus, <예수님의 성찬식 선언 3가지> 영문판
통독원(땅에쓰신글씨) | 부모님 | 2024.09.30
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  • 상세정보
  • 15.2x21 | 0.229Kg | 176p
  • ISBN
  • 9791190540513
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  출판사 리뷰

Jesus’Three Communion Declarations
: From the Sacred Anointing Oil to the Precious Blood of Jesus

Baptism is a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence in Christian life,
Communion is celebrated 100 times, 1000 times,
and repeatedly in Christian life to carry out Jesus' Great Commission.

In The Institutes of Christianity, Calvin posited that baptism represents the ‘initiation of faith’ through which individuals are admitted to the church and grafted into Jesus Christ, thereby becoming recognized as children of God. He further suggested that the sacraments serve as a form of ‘continual nourishment,’ providing spiritual sustenance to those who have been initiated into the Christian faith. Baptism is thus a profound rite of passage, whereby an individual confesses their salvation from sin. It is a singular event, marking the commencement of one’s Christian journey. Baptism is not repeated, but the sacrament of the Lord’s death is celebrated on numerous occasions, either 100 times or 1,000 times. The death of Jesus, who offered himself as a sacrifice on the cross to save us from our sins, is celebrated repeatedly in the sacrament. The sacrament of communion, which celebrates the atonement made by Jesus through his death and resurrection, is not a singular event; rather, it is a sacrament to be celebrated repeatedly. In other words, the sacraments are intended to be repeated as a means of nurturing faith.

It is not uncommon for individuals to experience a sense of monotony when they engage in the same activity on numerous occasions. However, the adage “the more you do it, the better” suggests that the more frequently an action is performed, the more profound the experience becomes. This is why baptism is sufficient on a single occasion, whereas the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper necessitates repeated participation. One may ensure the sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is not perceived as tedious but rather as a source of inspiration and joy by engaging with the Bible. Through repeated reading and study of the Bible, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the Lord’s Supper, leading to a sense of gratitude and joy each time they partake. It is imperative for Christians to engage in the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on a regular basis, and to recall the pronouncements made by Jesus at the inaugural communion.

In the final Passover, Jesus conducted the inaugural communion with bread and wine, representing his flesh and blood. He instructed his followers to commemorate his death by partaking in communion with bread and wine. This book will examine the three declarations made by Jesus at the first communion, with a particular emphasis on the sacrament that should be observed repeatedly. The first is the New Covenant declaration, the second is the Christian declaration, and the third is the declaration of the presence of the Holy Spirit, also known as the Comforter.

Subsequent to the three declarations of communion is the single offering of the cross of Jesus. A temporal interval exists between the three declarations of communion and the cross; nevertheless, the two are inextricably linked. This represents the transition from the use of sacred anointing oil to the application of the precious blood of Jesus. The transition from the anointing oil to the Precious Blood is not a continuation of the former as a different form; it is not that the anointing oil continues and the Precious Blood is used. Rather, it is that the anointing oil has ended and is now transformed into the Precious Blood, which persists as the Precious Blood. It is hoped that this excitement will always be present.

  작가 소개

지은이 : 조병호
성경통독원 원장, 통독교회 담임목사, 대한예수교장로회 제108회 총회 서기,미국 드루대학교 객원교수, 글로벌처치네트워크(GCN) 서울허브 대표2004년 독일 신학사전 RGG4에 아티클 ‘세계기독학생선교운동 (Studentische Missionsbewegung)’을 기고했다. 2006년 영국 왕립역사학회(Royal Historical Society)에 스피커로 초청되어 발제했다.2006년 삶의 방법론이자 새로운 성경 읽기의 방식으로서 ‘통(通)’을 최초로 말했다. 2008년 한국 신학자 140인 서울선언 ‘성경을 통通한 재정향’의 공동대표로 책임을 감당했다.2014년 ‘통通성경 포뮬라(Formula for TongBible)’를 발표했다.2016년 CBS바이블칼리지 통通성경학교 인터넷 100강의 강사2017년 종교개혁 500주년 기념 독일 비텐베르크 2017 CONGRESS 스피커2021년 글로벌처치 디비니티스쿨 BOARD OF GOVERNOR 장로회신학대학교 신학과 (Th.B. 신학사)장로회신학대학교 신학대학원 (M.Div. 교역학석사)연세대학교 연합신학대학원 (Th.M. 조직신학, 신학석사)영국 에딘버러대학교 대학원 (Th.M. 선교신학, 신학석사)영국 버밍엄대학교 대학원 (Ph.D. 역사신학, 철학박사) 베스트셀러 《성경과 5대제국》 - 2011 한국기독교출판문화상 대상 수상 《성경통독》 - 2005 한국기독교출판문화상 최우수상 수상 《청소년 성경통독》 - 2009 한국기독교출판문화상 우수상 수상 《통하는 사도행전 30년》 - 2020 한국기독교출판문화상 우수상 수상 《통성경 길라잡이 지도자 지침서》 - 2022 한국기독교출판문화상 우수상 수상주요저서 《통通숲 주석 세트》(전 12권), 《제사장 나라 하나님 나라》, 《와우! 예레미야 70년》, 《통通성경 길라잡이》, 《통하는 마지막 유월절, 첫번째 성찬식》, 《消失的帝國》(中國 團結出版社/성경과 5대제국 중국판), 《성경과 고대전쟁》,《성경과 고대정치》,《신구약 중간사》,《성경통독과 통通신학》 등 50여 종 편찬 《큰글자 일년일독 통通독성경》, 《역사순 통通성경》


Chapter 1
From the Sacred Anointing Oil to the Precious Blood of Jesus
1. The First Passover, celebrated for 1,500 years
2. Passover Lamb, Offerings, and Public Servant
3. Anointing Oil and Blood: The Way to Forgiveness of Sins

Chapter 2
Jesus’ Holy Communion Declaration
1. During the First Communion, Jesus Declared the “New Covenant”
- The New Covenant established through the flesh and blood of Jesus
- Symbolism of the Bread and Wine – Christian Communion
- From “Celebrate this Day” to “Celebrate Me”

2. During the First Communion, Jesus made the “Christian” Declaration
- The Parable of the Vine – Christians unified with Jesus
- Christians – Public Servants of the kingdom of God
- Christians – Whatever you desire

3. During the First Communion,
Jesus declared the coming of the “Holy Spirit”
- Immanuel through the Holy Spirit
- When and Where the Holy Spirit will reside
- The Role of the Holy Spirit

epilogue – The Communion as a Mission of the Great Commission



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