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9 Voices, 9 Values  이미지

9 Voices, 9 Values
가치의 조각들 : 아홉 작가의 이야기
창조와지식(북모아) | 부모님 | 2024.08.01
  • 정가
  • 16,000원
  • 판매가
  • 14,400원 (10% 할인)
  • S포인트
  • 800P (5% 적립)
  • 상세정보
  • 15x22 | 0.198Kg | 152p
  • ISBN
  • 9791160037562
  • 배송비
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    2만원 이상 구매시 무료배송이며, 2만원 미만일 경우 2,000원의 배송비가 부과됩니다.(제주도는 5만원이상 무료배송)
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    택배사 영업일 기준으로 출고일로부터 1~2일 이내 받으실 수 있으며, 도서, 산간, 제주도의 경우 지역에 따라 좀 더 길어질 수 있습니다.
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  • 주문수량
  • ★★★★★
  • 0/5
리뷰 0
  • 도서 소개
  • 작가 소개
  • 목차
  • 회원 리뷰

  도서 소개

“9 Voices, 9 Values" is an anthology featuring nine authors, each exploring a unique life value. From challenge and willpower to happiness and responsibility, these narratives offer intimate insights into how these principles shape our lives.About the EditorAfter graduating from Washington University in St. Louis, USA, Ludia Lee has been teaching English in Seoul and working as an English voice narrator. Following the publication of her own English children's book “Flora and the Rainbow Flower” and her student's English novel “Home of Blue,” she has been helping more students write their own English books as a way to deeply engage in language learning.

  작가 소개

지은이 : Yuna Seo
“More to achieve than achieved.”

지은이 : Sojin Kim
“Hope and Truth. Living life with full humanity charged. I don’t know who you are, but I like you…S2”

지은이 : SungYong Kim
“Born in 1991. Family domicile in Eungyo Village, Iseo Township, Wanju County, Jeollabuk Province. The 32nd descendant of the Soyoongong group , Buan Kim clan. Known by the Dharma name Moosang, Baptismal name Cecilia, and English name Adam.”

지은이 : Gyuseong Lee
“The number that represents me is 96! When you flip 9 and 6, they take on different meanings. Life is the same. How you interpret it is up to you! You just need to ensure that your choices are right for you, without regrets. If we look out for each other, our lives will be truly profound and meaningful!”

지은이 : Subin Oh
“Bring it on, tough world!”

지은이 : Sojin Park
“A person who believes that moments with cherished people fills a life fully. That would be you if you read this story and think, "Is this my story?" :) I’m grateful that you have become a part of my life. Thank you!”

지은이 : Minhee Kim
“What makes me: Even better, So what?, Why bother?, Bread, and Soybean Noodle Soup.”

지은이 : Suyoung Jang
“No, I can’t swim. ‘Suyoung Jang’ is my name. Enjoying happy moments to the fullest, and tackling tough times with questions and goals is my life approach.”

지은이 : YeongEon Kim
“Same time, different world: meeting you through this book is truly a blessing.”


Editor’s Note
People Who Inspired Me by Yuna Seo
Expanding My Umbrella by Sojin Kim
Hamburger, Pizza, and Choice by SungYong Kim
My Life Choices Mean No Regret by GyuSeong Lee
Words from My Father by Subin Oh
Cherished Moments from Cherished People by Sojin Park
Finding My Own Happiness by Minhee Kim
Ask Yourself Why, and Go Beyond by Suyoung Jang
2 Years by YeongEon Kim



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